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"Cartographies of the Everyday" (2021-) is a research project, mediation and creation in territories and cities, where the emigration of women in conditions of vulnerability is a fact that crosses the intimate space of daily life. Our proposal is to address the realities of women who work in the home and care sector, many of them migrants from countries and regions that are completely different from those in which they reside, mostly located in the European territory.


The legal fragility in which these women mostly live profoundly marks their daily reality and the work environment in which they move. On many occasions they must face not only the resignation of their training and professional field of origin, but also questionable treatment by their employers and extreme workloads. However, their voices, problems and realities still remain in an area little heard. Hence, working with these testimonies and life experiences from artistic practice is essential, not only to open a first-person reflection on their daily lives, but also to generate a space of resilience and strength in the face of the social circumstances they suffer.


Being a phenomenon that affects many Western European countries, this project can go through these experiences in different cities, always transferring the methodology and fundamental ideas to the context in which it decides to be carried out.


Currently in the city where it is developed is Barcelona, ​​one of the cities with the highest rate of work for migrant employees in the care sector (commonly known as "interns"), and also one of the cities with the highest number of social associations that work on this problem.


The project is always activated from the relationship with a creative space or institution that functions as a contact node with a neighborhood and a city, and at the same time as a “scenic” space, of “presentation”. "Cartographies of the Everyday" is a project created collectively between the coordinators (Cuban artists who are also migrant), guest facilitators and creators, and the women protagonists of their own life stories, around which the relationship devices that will cross their stories and life experiences, their experiences related to migration, their wishes and personal battles in order to achieve a more dignified life full of rights.


+Info here

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