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Karina Pino is a Cuban artist and coordinator of collaborative projects within the field of living arts. She is editor and theater critic.

In recent years she has placed a lot of emphasis on her creative and scenic work, on transdisciplinary intersections and on working on the power of the installation, the object, the image, the photography, the document, the gallery and the unconventional spaces beyond of the scenic capacity. She is interested in finding the power of different bodies in a given space and how our gaze interacts with those images. The power of the image, for better or for worse, seduces her a lot.

Her research is described much more in terms of installation, performance, photography, the condition of “the exhibition”. Her latest creations focus on social problems and how these can be presented from contemporary artistic practices.


Alessandra Santiesteban is a Cuban multidisciplinary artist.

Her practice combines media and performative tools that encompass the humanities: history, archeology, literature, architecture. She is interested in the link between writing and performative gesture as well as the textualities that arise from this relationship (scenic, sound, aural, visual, photographic, etc.) with the intention of addressing economic, political and social problems not only in her country of origin, but also from other contexts.

In 2018 he made “La Bahia”, a documentary fiction in co-direction with Ricardo Sarmiento, as part of the actions of the Artistic Laboratory “La Bahia, we were thinking how to perform a nuclear action” that addresses the present of the Nuclear City and the failed project of the power plant electronuclear of Juraguá in Cienfuegos, Cuba.

He is currently working on the artistic, community and environmental intervention project "Juraguá, the path of blue waters" in collaboration with the Prince Klaus Foundation and the Goethe Institute.

Her work takes place between Havana, Barcelona and Madrid.

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Dianelis Diéguez is coordinator of research projects and artistic mediation. Cultural facilitator.

Trained as a critic and stage researcher. She has developed her work mainly in the management of creative and indisciplinary projects, as well as in the dynamization of community spaces from training and artistic practices. She has directing experience in the public arts sector, specifically in the area of ​​international collaboration.

Her practice as a manager and researcher is indisciplinary and multifunctional (she combines thinking and writing with the exercise of creating contexts in which creative practice designs alternative ways of life and for this she meets knowledge of the scientific field, pedagogy, social and political studies). Her work is situated in territories that range from the community environment to performance, living arts and the expanded scene. She investigates the notion of community based on the relationships that sociability creates in the field of art.

She is currently conducting research in the field of proximity relations between art and community in Graner. Center of creation, dance and living arts, of Barcelona.

She is the General Coordinator of the Sâlmon Festival of Living Arts in Barcelona and part of the work team of the Vulnus Association. ArtsVives i Research.

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